

① murder of entire ethnic group:  
the systematic killing of all the people from a national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do this
② restricted right or benefit:  
an advantage, right, or benefit that is not available to everyone
③ strongly desiring more than required:  
having an overwhelming desire to have more of something such as money than is actually needed
④ able to function without waste:
capable of achieving the desired result with the minimum use of resources, time, and effort
⑤ refuge:
an establishment providing temporary accommodations and food for people in need or without a home
⑥ pollute something:
to pollute or contaminate something with something undesirable or dangerous or to make something such as fruit or vegetables rotten
⑦ make alcoholic spirits:
to produce alcoholic spirits using the process of boiling liquid and condensing its vapor
⑧ confused disturbance:
a state of great confusion, commotion, or disturbance
⑨ leave somebody in difficulty:
to put or leave somebody in a difficult or helpless position

⑩Rhetorical question
⑪Test the water

What do you say that this year of you will be shown in a single phrase?