Beef Curry




① Extremely funny
② Only slightly noticeable and difficult to grasp or analyze.
③ The right side of a vessel as perceived by a person on board a vessel and facing the bow.
④ An opening in the side of a ship for boarding or loading.
⑤ A system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along supposed lines of energy.
⑥ Formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment.
⑦ A person who is lazy; / slow-moving animal found in Central and South America.
⑧ To make up or reparation, as for an offense or a crime.
⑨ A visible trail of condensed vapor left by an aircraft flying at high altitude.
⑩ Each of two or more children or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister.

queer /kw|kw/=bizaare

(〜・er; 〜・est)
1 風変わりな,妙な,変な 《★【類語】 ⇒→strange》.→
2 疑わしい,いかがわしい,怪しい.→
3 《口語》
a 気分が悪い; ふらふらする.→
b 頭が変で,気が狂って.→
4 《米俗》 偽の,無価値の.→
5 《英俗》 酔った.
6 《俗・軽蔑》〈男が〉同性愛の,ホモの.


Liar liar pants on fire